
Survey of Terrain Surface
Field Activity # 1
1. Prior to this activity I had adequate knowledge about sampling from prior classes. This activity allowed me to refresh my memory of sampling methods, along with conducting an actual sample over a small area. 
2. Following the conclusion of this field activity, I would say my knowledge of the topic would have grown. By actually conducting a systematic sample, it allowed me to run into problems along with create a solution to these problems. 
3. The hands on approach to this activity was the best way to learn for this field activity. By giving the groups vague instructions on the correct way to conduct a sample, it allowed for us to use problem solving skills throughout the activity. 

Visualizing and Refining Terrain
Field Activity #2
1. Prior to this activity I had some knowledge about sampling in prior classes and from the first field activity.
2. After completing this field activity I again would say my knowledge has grown of the topic and ways to use different interpolation techniques.
3. The hands on approach was the best way to learn from this activity. One suggestion though would be to wait till it's warm outside and use actual sand, not snow. 

Development of a Field Navigation Map
Field Activity #3 part 1
1. Prior to this activity I had lots of knowledge about creating maps, but I never had knowledge about using the maps I created in a field activity actually. 
2. After completing this field activity I would say my knowledge has grown some about the creation of navigation maps. 
3. Actually creating maps and using the maps you create would be the best way to learn for this field activity.

Geodatabases, Attributes, and Domains
Field Activity #5
1. Prior to this activity I had some knowledge about collecting points with GPS units, but never fully understood the proper way to set up the data collection.
2. After completing this field activity I would say my knowledge for the process of setting up domains for attributes has grown along with my understanding. 
3. The hands on method of learning how to properly setup domains was the easiest way for me to learn how to properly complete this task.

Introduction to ArcCollector
Field activity #6
1. Prior to this field activity I only had one week of knowledge about using Collector to capture data in the field.
2. After completion of the activity my knowledge and like of Collector has grown. Simplest way to collect data. 
3. Again the hands on method for learning to use Collector is the best technique.

Gather Data Using Arc Collector
Field Activity #7
1. Prior to this activity I have had some experience with using Collector. I never had experience of creating a database by myself and using that database with collector.
2. After completing this activity my knowledge and know how has gained a lot with Collector.
3. This is one of my favorite activities because we got to chose the question we wanted to look at. 
Distance/ Azimuth Survey Methods
Field Activity #8
1. Prior to this activity I had little to no experience with collecting data for Azimuth. I have used a distance finder before so I did know how to read and use one.
2. After completion of this activity my knowledge I say would have grown a lot. It was pretty easy to get an azimuth reading and then bring that into ArcMap.
3. This was a good field activity as the hands on approach taught us the right way to collect azimuth data.

Surveying of point features using a Dual Frequency GPS
Field Activity #9
1. Prior to this activity I had little knowledge of using a dual frequency GPS. I used it one other time in UAS class but never got the hands on approach to it.
2. My knowledge has grown after being able to personally use and collect different points in the field.
3. The best way to learn something for me is to do the hands on approach. This allows me to gain experience when it comes to this type of data collection. 

Surveying with a Topcon Total Station and the Tesla GPS Unit
Field Activity #10
1. Prior to this activity I had some knowledge about using the Tesla GPS unit, but didn't have much experience using a total station. This was new and exciting to me.
2. My knowledge continues to grow with the Tesla GPS unit, and am excited to continue to learn about the total station as I am very interested in this as a potential job in the future.
3. Although it was raining outside, hands on approach is the best way to learn for this type of class. It is the most beneficial for me and others.
4. I don't believe you have to change really much of anything for this field activity. This whole class needs to be with the hands on approach I believe unless your only going to concentrate on four different field activities and try to teach them through books and studying and all the ins and outs.

Construction of a point cloud data set, true orthomoasic, and digital surface using Pix4D
Field Activity #11
1. Prior to this activity I had knowledge about using Pix4D and creating both an orthomosaic and a point cloud from taking a UAS class.
2. My knowledge continued to grow during this field activity since the software had been updated since the last time I created anything in Pix4D.
3. The easiest way to learn about new software is to take time during the course to go through and mess around in it. Although it is hard without having data to create pictures with in Pix4D, it is important to understand what is taking place when this software is being ran.

Navigation with a GPS device using a UTM coordinate system
Field Activity #12
1. Prior to this activity I had some knowledge of reading a GPS device while trying to find points on a map and translate them to real life. 
2. My knowledge has grown with this activity as this was actually the first time that I used one of my own maps to find locations in the real world. There are many things I learned about this, but the biggest thing is that to have the coordinates and the maps in the same system will allow for easier reading and finding of the points.
3. This was a great activity and very eye opening to realize that one small mistake in making a map can cause so much trouble with finding points. 

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